Abraham Lincoln did believe that slavery was morally wrong, but there was one big problem: It was sanctioned by the highest law in the land, the Constitution. ... Only with emancipation, and with his support of the eventual 13th Amendment, would Lincoln finally win over the most committed abolitionists.
The Bessemer steel process affected westward expansion in the United States by enabling? clipper ships to be built in order to transport passengers from the East Coast to the West Coast. interstate canal systems to be built in order to transport agricultural goods from west to east.
Unlike the electoral college system for the president, the procedures for nominating presidential candidates are not spelled out in the constitution. the movement is to encourage people who considered themselves as partisans to participate in their party's presidential selection process was short lived, however.
This website is really useful! https://www.state.gov/j/drl/hr/
one should live life of virtue in agreement with nature-Aristotle