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The era of the civil war and the period after the American Civil War from 1865 to 1877 all occurred within the nineteenth century and as at that time it was perceived to be undignified for a president to campaign on his own behalf.
This made it somewhat inappropriate for the president Andrew Johnson to make series of speeches seeking public support for his policies.
The corporations arose because the massive industries needed more expert management.
Great Britain wanted to have power of the because he did not want to people to have any freedom of there rights.
I already explained it to you in my response
In the context of the Declaration<span> of </span>Independence<span>, </span>happiness<span> was about ... Life, Liberty and the </span>pursuit<span> of </span>Happiness did<span> not </span>mean you have<span> the ... </span>Jefferson<span> once </span>said<span>: Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to </span>have<span> for lunch. ... The Constitution only gives </span>people<span> the </span>right<span> to </span>pursue happiness<span>.</span>
Okay sir, just post your questions here.