Scabbards were historically, albeit rarely, worn across the back with the intention of being quickly unsheathed, but only by a handful of Celtic tribes, and only with very short lengths of sword.<span>This is because it is almost impossible to draw any true two-handed sword and extraordinarily difficult to draw the majority of one-handed swords from a scabbard on the back.</span>
Dear Father,
In his letter, Nadeem has informed me that mother is not feeling well. He has given me a hint about her poor health. I am much disturbed to know all of this. I am sure, you will be taking proper care of her. She is the patient of high blood pressure and sugar.
It is better to get her checked by a specialist. Further, kindly arrange a whole time nurse for her, who can take care of her on regular basis.
Please keep in touch With me in this regard.
Yours affectionately,
Gawain is ready to fight the Green Knight as he has withstood three blows.
After the thirds blow Sir Gawain shows himself as the warrior he was trained to be and challenges Green Knight to keep on going with the fight if he dares