Often diverse cultural factors can create difficulties in close relationships with a individual from different cultures. Even couples from very similar cultures can still have to negotiate differences. Married people around the world connect in many ways.
According to the conflict theory of crime and deviance, social inequality and power underlie how crime, deviance and punishment is characterized. The wealthy and influential members in society determine whom and which behaviors are deemed deviant and punishable. The conflict theory can be misused to rationalize behavior because it implies that there aren't any behaviors or individuals who are inherently deviant , instead behaviors and individuals are deemed deviant when they do not serve the interests of affluent members of society.
An automatic response establishing by training to an ordinarily neutral stimulus <span />
<span>United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble</span>
To summarize this, they were afraid. During that time, we had just managed to successfully leave the British government, and the whole reason we declared independence was because of an all-powerful king who controlled our lives through massive taxation, without listening to anything we said. We had developed a fear of a strong, central government like the British, so we did as much as we could to weaken our new government, even abolishing federal taxes, which meant no federal military or funding for anything like education, health, or safety at the federal level.<span />