I think it's A. The song follows a pattern of high pitch tone to low pitch tone.
What do you need to do to become a choreographer? You'll need a high level of dancing ability and good teaching and communication skills. Patience, stamina and concentration will help you to work with a range of people and support them to learn new dance skills.
Say “yes'and!”
Add new information.
Don't block.
Avoid asking questions- unless you're also adding information.
Play in the present and use the moment.
Establish the location.
Be specific and provide colorful details.
Change, Change, Change!
5 Basic Improv Rules
1) Don't Deny. Denial is the number one reason most scenes go bad. ...
2) Don't ask open ended Questions. ...
3) You don't have to be funny. ...
4) You can look good if you make your partner look good. ...
5) Tell a story.
A way to create the illusion of space by placing one figure behind another
It is a great poem but you is used to much. Other than that it is a good poem