A friend should have their own opinion and not just say whatever to please you so A is crossed out. C is crossed out because a good friend should display honesty whenever they have something to say wether it is good or bad so that way you can trust them. D is also crossed out because a friend should be reliable all the time wether they are angry with you or not. So that leaves option B. Option B is correct because a friend should care about your feelings and not just say mean things and harm you emotionally. So that means the correct answer is
B) Empathizes by showing care and sensitivity to your feelings.
2. "I need to keep my child on bed rest for 3 weeks to discourage physical activity."
Mononucleosis enlarges the spleen, making it prone to break more easily, for this reason, it is advisable to avoid activities that require a great physical effort and rest in bed for 3 to 4 weeks for optimal recovery.
Tendency to have unprotected sex
Lack of sufficient knowledge about HIV transmission
Indulgence in irresponsible sex behaviors, such as sex working
Prevalence of young transgender individuals.
Increased drug usage
Information entering the brain ,and then organized and transformed into memory storage
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