dcndjbcayshsnklasknasdkckdkmdsnmamknfkjdwjdkldsklndsakndsksfkfhjfjnf asfmcsmncasndasnadwjkadwwnnkcsnsndsnjsdjkfnjsfjfhjfnjskncdjncjbdabcbsdjcnsdkjvchndvhbhdvbjsnxckmnjbhvghbjnkjhgfdsdfgvhbjnszxdfcfvghbjnkmlkjhgfdssadnascjndcknsdksndjnsdjcnsdjcnsdjcnsdkjjnkcdjncdnjkcdjkbncjkbncdnjkcdnlcdknkcdnbvbdvbvfbjvbhkdvkbjndsfbjkdfbjkkjdb
He followed the division of the Christian Roman emperor. I believe
She was Henry VIII's first daughter. She married King Philip of Spain even though the people of England were against the marriage.
In the United States of America, the highest law (power) is contained in the constitution of this country. The constitution that was created after the declaration of independence of the 'new world' not only tied the American people and the nation in one thread, but also set a model before the world.
The US Constitution is the first written constitution in the world to include aspects such as the nature of the state, the principle of the separation of powers of citizens, and judicial review.
Following are the features of U.S constitution;
1. First written constitution
2. Irreversible Constitution
3. Federal constitution
4. Presidential government
Importance of US constitution;
The formation of the American Constitution gave the world with a basis for written and democratic government. Many countries of the world adopted the U.S constitution as a base to make their constitution. This is the most prominent source of written legislation empowering citizens.
The principle of separation of power is important in the constitution. The Constitution of America has an important contribution in making the world the major power.
yes they were problems when they were writing the Bill of Rights
I'm really sorry if this is from the Anti-Federalist who are afraid of the strong centralized government refused to support to the Congress without a Bill of Rights.