The answer(s) are below
1. The main topic of this speech is, to not have the fear of growing up; consequentially graduating. It helps the reader understand that graduating is a big step in life and that it will happen sooner or later. it is just a fact of life, so the passage helps the person understand that instead of getting discouraged and giving up or being hyper prone to giving up because of someones opinion. The reader should do their best and accept the fact that graduating happens to every one and they should make the best of it.
2. The form of text being utilized is persuasive/inspirational, the entire preface of the passage (see comprehension question 1.) Is persuading students and young adults not to give up, and persevere, under this, it almost becomes and inspirational speech as well.
3. The supporting details for this persuasive excerpt/passage, are that the setting for this passage is almost as if there was a meeting, or a student council meeting, for young people as well as youngsters. Steve Jobs is quoted in this passage by saying "dream bigger" telling the audience to figuratively and literally, dream bigger and to not be afraid of failure because they can always get back on their feet some how. Another point that would not be considered supporting detailed but has come to my attention is the rhetoric used in this speech is so mature yet understanding of the current situation, it is amazing.
4. After reading the passage this speech seems to be targeted to young adults/teens graduating or soon to graduate. Although as with all speeches, there is a target audience, that does not mean that the speech is <em>only</em> for that audience. A teen recently enrolled into high school might find great comfort in this speech.
5. This speech could be further improved by, in my opinion, giving more examples. This text has given many examples, you just need to look hard. In my analyzing of passages one thing that usually sticks out to me is when a story does not have many examples, this passage has examples, and the ones it uses are very powerful; but having more examples just gives writing that extra flare and makes it even more enjoyable than it already is.
The correct answer is Both poems encourage endurance through hardships.
The similarity between the poem <em>"A Poet and His Song"</em> by Paul Laurence and <em>"Mother to Son"</em> by Langston Hughes is that both poems express the need to prevail in any difficult situation, always working hard for it.
In both poems the authors show how other people have more opportunities than them. In <em>"A Poet and His Song"</em> the author says:<u> "I work hard, and toil and sweat, While others dream within the dell;"</u> and in "<em> Mother to Son</em> ":"<u> I'm still climbing, And life for me ain't been in the crystal stair.</u> ". However, although things have not been easy for them, they have always been working hard and continued, facing any problem that has come their way.
I believe the answer is #1
It used the best word choice and fulfills the requirements under the question.