The answer would be D
Explanation: Hope this helps:)
1. The correct answer is "oímos."
The sentence says: In the morning, we go to church and ____ the sermon. "Oír" means "to hear" and "poner" means "to put," so "oír" is the correct verb. Since the subject is "we" (nosotros), you must conjugate the verb in the second-person plural form: oímos.
2. The correct answer is "salimos."
The sentence says: At noon, we ____ the church and we come to this park. "Decir" means "to say" and "salir" means "to leave," so "salir" is the correct verb. The subject pronoun is still "we," so the correct conjugation (second-person plural) is "salimos."
3. The correct answer is "trae."
The sentence says: My Aunt Gloria ___ some sandwiches... "Traer" means "to bring" and "ver" means "to see," so "traer" is the correct verb. The subject pronoun is now third person singular (she - ella), so "traer" becomes "trae."
4. The correct answer is "traigo."
The previous sentence continues: ...and, since I like music, I ___ a radio. "Traer" means "to bring" and "hacer" means "to make" or "to do," so the correct verb is "traer." The subject pronoun is I (yo), so the correct conjugation is "traigo" (in the present tense, this verb is only irregular in the first-person singular form).
5. The correct answer is "pongo."
The sentence says: I don't ____ the music on too loud. "Hacer" means "to make" or "to do," and "poner" means "to put," so "poner" is the correct verb. Like "traer," "poner" is irregular in the first-person singular form for present tense: pongo.
6. The correct answer is "salgo."
The sentence says: Later on, I ___ with my friends to the movie theater... "Salir" means "to leave" and "ver" means "to see," so "salir" is the correct verb. Like "traer" and "poner," "salir" will be irregular in the first-person singular form for present tense: salgo.
7. The correct answer is "vimos."
The previous sentence continues: ...and we ____ a movie. "Decir" means "to say" and "ver" means "to see," so "ver" is the correct verb. The verb should still be conjugated with the "we" subject pronoun (second-person plural), so the correct answer is "vimos."
8. For the four sentences (oraciones), you could talk about how you go to Mexico to play a tennis match. For example: Salimos para Mexico porque somos en el partido de tenis, y vamos a jugar contra otro partido (We're leaving for Mexico because we're on the tennis team, and we're going to play against another team). You could continue by talking about how you won against a girl named Alejandra, etc.
I feel extremely overwhelmed. Not only because of the low stock of hygiene products at the supermarkets but also because of my family. My grandparents old, they’re at their 80’s and if this pandemic eventually gets to them (which it will) then they’ll be gone like ashes on a windy day. I’m devastated at the the fact that I won’t see my friend in a very long time and Im sad that I didn’t get to say goodbye the right way.
With all that said, they say everything happens for a reason right?
Eu começaria sendo simpático e respeitoso e diria "Oi, mãe e pai. Eu trabalhei muito e acho que mereço um carro novo". Ou você pode comprar seu próprio carro.
I would start off by being nice and respectful and say" Hi mom and dad. I have worked really hard and i think i deserve a new car". Or you can buy your own car.
mamarkahan niyo lng po yan kung ano ung pinakamataas at pinakamababa para sa inyo