The parents love laxmi, if this many words taken out for the active voice isn't sustainable, and you only need to know how to do an active's simply the passive voice in reverse. So for an active voice it would be the doer of the action, followed by the action, to the receiver of the action
The most obvious fault of this paragraph is the lack of punctuation marks. The entire paragraph is one sentence, when there are supposed to be periods, commas, and other punctuation marks to separate them. This makes this paragraph one run-on sentence, which is grammatically incorrect.
It tells you to find another term for the noun used for example the noun in the sentence is John Proctor, you just need to identify what is John Proctor. It could be like this “John Proctor, a cardiologist (blah blah)” so the appositive that i wrote is cardiologist because it describes john proctor as a doctor.
Hello Marie Here!!!</h2><h2>
(____ That means any name you would like)</h2>
I walked into my room and flopped on my bed. "____ Come here please" My mom called for me. I got off my bed and walked toward the kitchen. I sniffed the air "Smells good mom" I said to her. She smiled at me and handed me my plate. I looked down at the food. <em>Cornbread, chicken wings and water</em> I thought. Once I got finished, I walked back into my room and called my best friend ____. "Hello, Hello?" _____ Said. "Hi, I was wondering if you would like to go in the woods and look around?" I asked her. "You just moved here. You sure?" ____ said. "I'm sure" I said while getting dressed for the woods.
I walked out of the door, as ____ ran up to me "Hello, Hello ____" She said to me. I waved at her. We walked into the woods.<em> Ooh</em> AND <em>Ahh</em>. We would say when we saw colorful birds. But then A wolf came up to us growling. I backed up and acted big, while backing up. When I got back to my house I was exhausted, but relieved that I wasn't hurt.
Hope This Helps! Have A GREAT Day!