- He found, as he often told my sister, broken horse-shoes (a "bad sign"), met cross-eyed women, another "bad sign," was pursued apparently by the inimical number thirteen—and all these little straws depressed him horribly.
- One day on coming back home he found one of his hats lying on his bed, accidentally put there by one of the children, and according to my sister, who was present at the time, he was all but petrified by the sight of it. To him it was the death-sign.
The two sentences listed above characterize Paul as a superstitious person. A superstitious person is a person who strongly believes in irrational things (for example, a belief in magic). Common superstitions include:
- if you break a mirror, you will have bad luck for seven years
- if a black cat crosses your path, bad luck awaits you
- if you open an umbrella inside your house, you will have bad luck, etc.
Paul, in these sentences, is presented as someone who believes that broken-horse shoes, cross-eyed woman, number thirteen, or his hat on the bed announce that bad things will happen. All of these examples suggest that Paul is a superstitious person.
Antonym- Payment
Synonym- Nonpayment
Sentence- When he defaulted in his payments, the bank forclosed on the car.
Antonym- Popular
Synonym- Isolated
Sentence- The old man had no friends and lived a desolate life.
Antonym- Simple
Synonym- Complicated
Sentence- Trusted intelligence and value are inextricably linked, and more value builds more trust.
Antonym- Abandonment
Synonym- Compensating
Sentence- The orphans did not show redemptiveness.
Antonym- Similar
Synonym- Contradictory
Sentence- The two girls were the antithesis of each other because they were complete opposites.
Antonym- monotone
Synonym- Inflection
Sentence- When their breath returned to a more normal cadence and they were no longer perspiring, they rose to leave.
Antonym- Distract
Synonym- Summon
Sentence- The invocation that the teacher used had gotten the students back on track very quickly.
Antonym- Limitation
Sentence- To the young children, the large backyard looked like an expanse that went on forever.
Antonym- Discourage
Synonym- Encourage
Sentence- In addition to mitigating AI harms, the goal of the principles is to exhort the development of AI systems that could improve children’s growth and well-being.
Connotation and Denotation are two principal methods of describing the meanings of. words. Connotation refers to the wide array of positive and negative associations that most words naturally carry with them, whereas denotation is the precise, literal definition of a word that might be found in a dictionary.