Posture is the position of a body while standing or sitting. An example of posture is standing straight. Which also is a noun. It could mean the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting and a particular way of dealing with or considering something; an approach or attitude. Words that’s similar to the word posture is, attitude, pose, bearing, carriage, stance, aspect, condition, demeanor, presence, way of thinking and feeling.
I want to buy groceries to be prepared for the week.
The purpose of this sentence is to state the speaker's desire to be prepared for the week by buying groceries. In order to cut out fluffy words, we can take out any extra adverbs or phrases. Also, it is implied that to buy groceries, one would need to go to the store, so this prepositional phrase can also be eliminated if necessary.
The story of Zamperini's life holds enough drama for half a dozen movies. It also conveys leadership lessons on perseverance, courage, teamwork, and faith that we all should learn and apply. Growing up as a troublemaker and often running from the police, Louis's older brother decided to mold him into a true runner.
because john was playing Luke skywalker in a Star Wars movie DUH.