Importantly, Jurassic Park does pass the Bechdel test. This three-part test — used to draw attention to sexism in movies — asks whether there are at least two named female characters who talk to each other, about something other than a man.
The third statement is false. The Space Race was presented in a way that engaged the entire nation.
<em>C: the price of power</em>
The price of power is the theme that best represents the lines that describe what was witten about 'conquerors in their glory', which <em>represents their</em> <em>power</em>, supposedly bestowed by fortune, which they thought to be their friend. <em>Now, in their end, they know they shouldn't have trusted her, they have to pay the price for once having believed a foe.</em>
the rhyme scheme for the poem is ABCBDEFE.Explanation: