1. We are giving rights by the government that allow us to do many things (with some obvious exceptions).
2. We are not required to do outrageous things like put children in an arena or make people pay very high taxes and "tributes".
3.The government cares for the welfare of the people.
asteroid 2001 FO32
The asteroid 2001 FO32 is hurtling through space at an unusually fast speed for a space rock, about 77,000 mph (124,0000 kph), and will pass by Earth at a safe range of 1.25 million miles (2 million kilometers), according to NASA. It won't come this close to Earth again until 2052.
What were Sam Houston's views on the civil war 1861-1865? Sam Houston was against immediate secession by Texas
Just read lol.
Da Vinci was one of the most famous polymaths who ever lived and along with other notable figures such as Benjamin Franklin and Johann Goethe, pushed the boundaries of what many believed to be possible. Unfortunately, we seem to have forgotten the insights that these exceptional figures gave us into the benefits of pursuing multiple interests.
As noted by Robert Twigger, Leonardo Da Vinci was said to be just as proud of his ability to bend iron bars with his hands as he was of the Mona Lisa.
Both are very important for trade.
Seas and oceans are very important for maritime trade because trading through seas and oceans are less costly for the countries. There are big ships which can be used for trade purpose between different countries. For trading by sea and ocean, countries built sea ports. The sea and ocean is fragile means easily be damaged. There is a great damage occur to the sea and ocean due to climate change and global warming that disturb the ecosystem and trading routes.