Imperial judges can interpet the laws of the empirebcontained in the Code of Justinian.
Pericles ruled Athens around 461 to 429 BC. One of Pericles’ achievements was organising the construction of the Acropolis. He also was in charge of the manufacture of the Parthenon. Pericles led many successful military campaigns. For example the Peloponnesian war, Pericles was the one who came up with a great strategy. Becoming a prominent statesman and a general in Athens was also a great achievement of his. Pericles’ last major campaign was in 440 BC. Samos, one of Athens allies, with a fleet of its own, revolted Athens and nearly succeeded. The mission to recover Samos was very costly but it was a great success. This became an achievement that later Athenian generals measured their achievements with.
The term Anabaptist means "one who baptizes again". Anabaptists are Christians who rejected infant baptism in favor of believer's baptism.They believe that baptism can only be valid if the petitioner confesses his faith in Christ and is willing to be baptized. Since many of these Reformation Era Christians have already been baptized when they were infants, they opt to be rebaptized as believing Christians.This believer's baptism is opposed to infant baptism because infants are not able to make conscious decisions to be baptized or not. Thus baptismal candidate must make a confession of faith that is freely chosen before any baptismal could take place.
B.satisfactory wages and working conditions
hoped this helped
Brainliest plz?
The answer is d they denied him his rights and told him that someones property cannot sue and said that just because he lived in a free state doesnt make him free