Mythology helped to spread specific ideas or virtues. Basically they taught lessons in morality in the same way that fairytales help teach us lessons from a young age.Explained the world, passed on important values, connected people to the past, used stories to create a connection to the past and gave audiences a sense of their roots
The Corpis juris (or luris) civilid is the modern name for a collection of fundamental works in jurisprudence, Issued from 529 to 534 by order of justinian I, Eastern roman emperor
more than one cell put together is made into a tissue because all the cells are doing the same thing
Answer: Texas joined the Confederation in 1861 and the Civil War started right after. Texas forces begin to fight w/Confederate Army.
Answer:The Hagia Sophia Deesis is probably the most famous Byzantine mosaic in Constantinople. The Pammakaristos Monastery was restored by Michael Glabas , an imperial official, in the late 13th century. Only the mosaic decoration of the small burial chapel ( parekklesion ) of Glabas survived.