Yes: Students should wear uniforms, it keeps everyone equivalent and reduces the percentage of bullying in learning establishments.
Just examples
No: Students shouldn't wear uniforms, they should have the unchallenged, unprecedented, freedom to wear whatever they shall please.
You can use the RACE method
Restate the question
Answer the question
Cite evidence
Explain in detail
The rough, rugged and haunted Dallas fascinates Pony. Even before Pony becomes an ace storyteller, Dallas acts as his muse, or inspiration. Pony says,
I used to like to draw his picture when he was in a dangerous mood, for then, I could get his personality down in a few lines. (1.46)
Notice the "used to." This is some subtle foreshadowing. Pony no longer sketches Dally because Dally's already dead when Pony's writing. His death is one of his reasons Pony's writing this piece in the first place
Would you rather live nearer the Tropic of Capricorn or the Arctic Circle?
Well, this line is a hyperbole because it shows an exaggeration and the person talking hasn’t actually heard all things in the heaven and in earth so, this is an example of a hyperbole.