Answer:Top it with avocado.
Enjoy it with a side salad.
Use lean protein.
Layer it with veggies.
Use low-sugar condiments.
Use fresh cheese.
Use veggie bean patty
Answer: I honestly think these are idioms
In the given lines, the figurative language 'metaphor' has been used. The lines have been spoken by Barack Obama about the election. He presented the comparison between a politician and a relay runner. He compared the process of election and contesting it as a game of relay runner. He associated all the contestant of the elections as the participants of a relay running. The winner of the election is the person who leads the race and hands it over to the other person who wins the election in the next tenure. The use of metaphor in political rhetoric plays a very important part in making the speeches an unforgettable ones.
c. The first appearance tells when the article was cited by the essay writer, while the second appearance tells when the article was produced.