Not only were the royal conference depleted, but two decades of poor harvest, drought, cattle disease, And skyrocketing bread prices had kindled unrest I’m on peasants in the urban poor.
During the Eighteenth Century, settlement of the North American continent became part of the larger political struggle between major European nations. Great Britain, Spain, and France vied with each other for dominance in Europe and the New World.
Two things that the Radical Republicans insisted be part of their Reconstruction plan was that the military would stay in the South to supervise the transition, and that the newly freed slaves would be offered all the freedoms of whites in the South.
Athenian democracy refers to the system of democratic government used in Athens, Greece from the 5th to 4th century BCE. Under this system, all male citizens - the dēmos - had equal political rights, freedom of speech, and the opportunity to participate directly in the political arena.
d the flooding be a cause of soil erosion