A. Fruits provide nourishment for seedlings.
Gene knockout is a technique used to determine the function of a gene that has already been sequenced, which is achieved by analyzing the phenotype of the individual carrying the knockout mutation(s). Moreover, gene sequencing is a technique used to determine the sequence of a given gene, which allows to determine how gene variants (polymorphisms) may be associated with the phenotypes of the target trait.
In genetics, gene knockout is a technique used to trigger mutations in a (already) sequenced gene in order to inactive its function and observe the resulting phenotype for a particular trait. This approach that starts with the inactivation of a given gene and ends with the phenotype is known as reverse-genetics. On the other hand, gene sequencing can be defined as the methodologies/techniques/tools used to determine the nucleotide base pair sequence of a particular gene. The gene knockout technique involves knowing a priori the gene sequence in order to obtain a gene knockout (gene KO). The combination of the information obtained from these techniques can be used to determine how variation (genetic variation) affects the expression of a phenotypic trait.
D two cells with 12 chromosomes in zero homologus
I don't know how to answer the true or false however it can take around 4 weeks in the peak of the summer climate.
1. Evolution can be defined as the gradual development of an organism creating diversity.
2. A common misconception is that Homosapiens are descendants of Apes.
3. analogous structures are features of different species that are similar in function, but not necessarily in structure; such as bird wings and insect wings. homologous structures, however, is an organ or bone with similar underlying anatomical features found in different animals; such as the arms of primates.
4. vestigial structures are structures that have no apparent function and appear to be residual parts from a past ancestor, such as wings of flightless birds.
5. Embryology supports the theory that organisms have a common ancestor in accordance to the theory of evolution.