D) reading, ideal, implement
The passage talks about the reading culture of a young boy named Randall which was greatly inhibited by the fact that his teachers introduced a lot of old books for them to read, and which he and other students could not really relate to. His perception of what was ideal was a mixture of both old and new books which would create a sort of balance and make reading more enjoyable.
He proposed the idea to his teachers and they promised to implement it. These three keywords: reading, ideal, implement, set the tone of the passage.
The word <em>mistreated </em>comes from the "treat" family.
First there is the verb to treat, then the noun treat, then the adjective treated, then the noun treatment, then you have the verb to mistreat, and then in the end you have the noun mistreatment and the adjective mistreated.
Hi there!!! One of my all time FAVORITE romance series is the Bride Quartet series by Nora Roberts! MY personal favorite is the first book, Vision in White. The series is about a wedding planning enterprise run by four childhood friends. I really hope you give this book or the series a try and tell me how it goes!
Um you will probably be able to insert like a chip into like a pair of glasses into you brain and close your eye and watch it