The number of radio stations in the united states has grown from 9,379 in 1990 to more than 11,358 today.
The above figures are latest relased figures and true uptil 2016. They also count the number of commercial radio stations and might not include non-commercial stations.
However, the above figures really are impressive since it shows how the Radio Industry has kept on growing despite the massive growth of the Internet in 2,000s and the arrival of smartphones and social media more recently.
It is clear how radio entertainment and news is still quite popular throughout the country.
Eleventh century is regarded to be the period of high middle ages.
There was a sudden decline in Byzantine Empire and there arose the Norman domination all over Europe. there was a great gap what kind Christendom to be followed whether the papacy of the orthodox conventional worshiping of Christ. In Italy , capitalism rose to the highest level making the urban areas the main hub of trade and commerce.
Song Dynasty started to find its strong base and Confucian teachings were meticulously practiced. Chola era reached its highest zenith fame in the field of military might and global influence. In japan Fujiwara clan attained fame in controlling affairs if the nation.
The most significant element of the Virginia House of Burgesses during colonial times was that it was the first (limited) democratic body in North America--meaning that it was a huge inspiration to the Founding Fathers when it came time to separate from Britain.
Delegates from the South.
The climate of East Africa is rather atypical of equatorial regions. Because of a combination of the region's generally high altitude and the rain shadow of the westerly monsoon winds created by the Rwenzori Mountains and Ethiopian Highlands, East Africa is surprisingly cool and dry for its latitude. If it is different maybe it will took long before it will develop. It developed because it was a strategic location for trade with other countries. If its is an inland or mountain area, it would not be the center of trade so the development will much be slower.