The five correct items are:
direct primary
Those are the means by which candidates enter the nomination process for public elections. The two terms that don't fit are "inheritance" and "promotion." An inheritance-based system would be like the old arrangements of monarchs or nobles, where someone took over the throne or provincial government simply because he was the son of the previous king or lord. A promotion-based system would mean that persons advanced to positions of public office not through democratic election processes, but by being promoted internally within the government. For some staff positions in government that does happen, and then those are appointed positions rather than elected positions. But for elected positions in the government, democratic processes are followed. Candidates for office must at least announce their candidacy. They may need a certain number of petition signatures to get their names on the official election ballot. Or they need to get on the ballot through preliminary steps by the larger political parties, such as caucuses, direct primaries, and the conventions of the parties.
I believe it was located in Peru!!
From his muddy outpost on the front line in North Iraq, Grim can see the black flag of the Islamic State snapping in the wind just 500 metres away.
The 52-year-old Boston native – who several months ago found his way to a peshmerga base south of Kirkuk – sits in a crude breeze-block shelter, surrounded by mud and dirt, gunfire crackling in the background.
debt lots of it they tried unfair taxes but im sure that ended in rebellion
Patents protected inventors and let them profit from their invention