A friar is a brother and a member of one of the mendicant orders founded in the twelfth or ... Friars are different from monks in that they are called to live the evangelical counsels (vows of ... The Augustinians were assembled from various groups of hermits as a mendicant order by Pope Innocent IV in 1244 (Little Union).
Option 3: He supported the building of the Hagia Sophia.
Justinian I was one of the outstanding rulers of the Byzantine Empire, he governed from 527 until he died in 565. During his reign, he expanded the Empire and many great monuments were built including the famous Hagia Sophia in 537, which was originally constructed as a church. The church was the largest of its time and considered the greatest architecture building of the Byzantine Empire (330-1453)
"The Doctrine of Chances" is a theory that was proposed by Alfred Russell Wallace that related to the theory of natura selection of Darwinists. This doctrine is what we now consider "statistics." Wallace's idea was to use this doctrine of chances and averages in order to study population genetics.
I believe it is Australopithecus afarensis
The main reason why the border states did not secede in 1860-1862 was because they were concerned with the large amount of military coercion that was taking place in the South, and they felt that the South was ultimately unjustified in removing itself from the Union.