One today equals two tomorrows means that what you can accomplish today is more important than what you have planned tomorrow. Today is now. Do something today if you are able to do it. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. The time that you have in life is limited. You have to accomplish one day at a time without thinking about a tomorrow.
I agree with that because if you don't do what you planned to do today, you will probably never get another day to do it. Life can be very unpredictable and I think you should take one day at a time and live your life to the fullest.
Eye Contact, Good Posture, Correct Grammar. Only speaking when spoken to. No interrupting.
With the gradient because the molecules are going from high to low concentrated areas
She would inspire me by grabing a piece of art and telling me man this is indeed my favorite it took me a long time but eventually i finished and now look its beautiful if i where u i would make my own beautiful art and u can say that u did it thats how i would be inspired