Answer: Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican in office. Under Lincoln's leadership and a Republican Congress, slavery was prohibited in the United States in 1865.
info from G o o g l e
Fair labor practices
Labor unions were used to help people convince the large corporations they worked for to give them better pay, more benefits, and a safer working environment.
Hope this helps!!! :)
The Hoover quote shows that his approach to the Great Depression is one of no hope. Hoover tried to implement a couple federal works projects (like the Hoover Dam) to kick start the economy. This limited government role is thanks to Hoover's belief in laissez faire economics, which revolves around the idea that government should be involved as little as possible in the economy. With this in mind, it is easy to understand why Hoover does not give direct financial assistance to American citizens.
FDR, on the other hand, believed that the government should help in times of crisis. FDR uses this concept and develops the "New Deal." This "New Deal" is a policy in which the federal government creates several different agencies and programs to help American citizens recover from the Great Depression. This "can do"attitude reflects his determination and ties into the aforementioned quote.
What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” That’s the revelatory title of a speech that black statesman and abolitionist Frederick Douglass delivered July 5, 1852, in Rochester, N.Y.
It is an oration that students should learn along with the history of how the Continental Congress, meeting July 2, 1776, in Philadelphia, declared independence from Britain and then on July 4 approved the document stating the reasons for the action.
Five things you think you know about July 4 that are (mostly) wrong
Douglass delivered the speech in Corinthian Hall to white members of the Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society. He expressed respect for the country’s Founding Fathers, calling them “brave” and “truly great.” He compared the way they were treated by the British before independence to the treatment of slaves and urged them to view slaves as Americans.
(You may remember that on Feb. 1, 2017, President Trump made comments to honor Black History Month and spoke about Douglass as if he were still alive: “Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice.” Presumably, someone has told Trump by now that Douglass is long gone, although his work has always been appreciated.)