Beowulf battles Grendel's mother in a battle hall under a lake. He first swims through this lake in order to arrive to this icy battle hall. There is ice everywhere, and it is very cold. This is the poem's representation of hell - in some mythologies, hell is represented as a freezing place, as opposed to fiery doom.
1. I gave my mother a box of chocolates for her birthday. She was pleased.
2. Susan was sitting off in the corner without a care in the world.
3. When they were kids, they made homemade lemonade. They sold it for two bucks a pop.
4. Without support from the president, the bill failed to make it through Congress.
5. Construction continued unabated for more than two months. I wasn’t getting much sleep.
Hope this helps!
Answer:"In those unfathomable orbs
Every function he absorbs;"
Option C: reverse word order
Sounds like the biden meme