2. Summarizing
In <u>analyzing</u>, the content is examined methodically and in detail for interpretation.
<u>Summarizing</u> includes just a brief statement of the main point in the content.
<u>Paraphrasing</u> is the technique of expressing the main idea of the original content by using different words in order to have greater clarity.
<u>Quoting</u> is repeating the same words of the original content by giving credit to the author who originally wrote them.
<em>The technique used by Catherine is summarizing as she wrote just a brief statement in her report to give the main gist of the original content.</em>
answer: Ancient flood myths gave audiences a positive way of understanding their place in the world as a new creation brought out of destruction.
i took the test :)
"The Crucible" is a play written by Arthur Miller, an American Dramatist.
The play is a fictionalized version of Massachusetts's "Salem Witch Trials" of 1692-93.
Abigail Williams is the antagonist in the play. She had an adulterous relation with John Proctor. But John is married to Elizabeth. Out of jealousy for Elizabeth, Abigail with some other girls, tries to invoke curse on Elizabeth so that after her death, she could marry John.
Abigail behaves as if she is an adult when John tries to tell her that their relationship is a past thing saying,
<em>"I know how you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a stallion whenever I come near! I saw your face when she put me out and you loved me then and you do now! "</em>
Her lust and passion for John Proctor and her jealousy towards Elizabeth took a drastic shift in the play. When caught by her uncle in the forest dancing naked and performing pagan rituals, she accuses Elizabeth for devil-worship.
Mary, on the other hand, is a very naive and weak girl, in comparison to Abigail. She is the employer of Proctor's. She knows the truth of the girls and resist witnessing falsity against the Proctor's. But when pressed down by the situation in the courtroom she sides with Abigail and the girls and accuses Proctor's of being witch-craft practitioners.
Dan Cody was a self-made man who made a fortune in mining and had moored his yacht near where Gatsby was working. Gatsby noticed a storm brewing and rowed out to warn Cody of the storm. In gratitude, Cody offered Gatsby a job, and Gatsby became a general assistant to Cody.
Dan Cody is a millionaire who is sailing in his boat and meets up with James Gatz. He takes on the charming young and allows him to travel about with him and learn about the life of a wealthy man.
Cody was a heavy drinker, and one of Gatsby's jobs was to look after him during his drunken binges. This gave Gatsby a healthy respect for the dangers of alcohol and convinced him not to become a drinker himself. When Cody died, he left Gatsby $25,000, but Cody's mistress prevented him from claiming his inheritance.
Gatsby's response tells the reader that he lacks a certain amount of social sensibility and is unable to recognize social cues. Gatsby misinterprets Mrs. Sloane's invitation and accepts the offer without realizing that she is simply being polite. Gatsby enthusiastically accepts the offer in hopes that he will see Daisy at the dinner and prove that he is worthy of being in her social circle.
“I feel far away from her,” he said. “It's hard to make her understand.” Daisy tries very hard to appear to be impressed by Gatsby's guests and by his party. The atmosphere at the party is subdued compared to the usual frivolity at Gatsby's parties however.
One autumn night, five years before, they had been walking down the street