A gentlemen's agreement or gentleman's agreement is an informal and legally non-binding agreement between two or more parties. It is typically oral, though it may be written, or simply understood as part of an unspoken agreement by convention or through mutually beneficial etiquette. The essence of a gentlemen's agreement is that it relies upon the honor of the parties for its fulfillment, rather than being in any way enforceable. It is, therefore, distinct from a legal agreement or contract, which can be enforced if necessary
President Richard Nixon supported the policy of détente as a way to reduce tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union
The Nigerian Civil War has in one way or another give Jonathan a relieved and positive thought. He felt grateful and blessed that his family was alive and unharmed and that they have the capacity to access the basic everyday necessities.
The depression originated in the United States, after a fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929, and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday). Between 1929 and 1932, worldwide GDP fell by an estimated 15%. By comparison, worldwide GDP fell by less than 1% from 2008 to 2009 during the Great Recession. Some economies started to recover by the mid-1930s. However, in many countries, the negative effects of the Great Depression lasted until the beginning of World War II.
Answer: The first main cause was the emergence of capitalism as an economic theory, since it helped wealthy individuals to start their own businesses. The next major cause was the expansion of European imperialism around the world.
hope this helps!!