Salt, also referred to as table salt or by its chemical formula NaCl, is an ionic compound made of sodium and chloride ions. All life has evolved to depend on its chemical properties to survive. It has been used by humans for thousands of years, from food preservation to seasoning.
Madeline Albright korbelova
Fair value is the sale price agreed upon by a willing buyer and seller. The fair value of a stock is determined by the market where the stock is traded. Fair value also represents the value of a company's assets and liabilities when a subsidiary company's financial statements are consolidated with a parent company.
Direct and representative democracies are two types of democracies.<span> They represent two types of governmental structures, while a presidential democracy is the third type that exists.</span>
kublai khan grandson of ghengish khan was first mongol to rule whole china ......he began yuan dynasty in which many reform were made especially in trade and deplomatic relationship and expanded his kingdom
to the south