Qin dynasty had a stricter government than the Han's. While the Han dynasty gave the emperor a lot of power, the Qin dynasty gave the emperor even more. Han didn't tax citizens as harshly as then Qin dynasty did. Qin was not shaped by religion like the Han was.
During the second world war, the US government took strong measures to convert the economy to meet the demands of war. President Roosevelt established an organizations like:
1.) War Production Board whose task was to convert industries from peace time works to war needs, allocate scarce material, establish priorities in the distribution of materials and services.
2.) Office of Civilian defense was also established and were tasked to coordinate state and federal measure for the protection of civilians in times of war.
3.) Civil Air Patrol (CAP) was also created for search and rescue missions.
4.) Civil Defense Corps which organized millions of volunteers to fight fires , decontaminate following chemical weapon attacks, and provide first aid.
i know this is not answering your question but do you wanna draw with me on
No, because a PBS documemtary could not have witnessed something and retold it. It most likely is a secondary source, if they interviewed people who have witnessed the thing they are talking about.