the 21st Century Congestion Challenges
the congestion challenges of today would not be beneficial at all for economic growth so they need to solve that challenge by adding infrastructure
That slaves would take its jobs at lower wages is people in border states.
The development of the mayflower compact(first official document that mentions communal governing), the failure of Britain to maintain salutary neglect, the taxation without representation imposed on America by Britain, and Benjamin franklin who spoke of the unification of the New England colonies.
Mao successfully led a communist revolution and the Communist Party gained power in 1947. They were appealing than the Nationalist Party as they sought preserve 'true' Communist ideology in the country by purging remnants of capitalist and traditional elements. This was supported by the peasants
This would be an example of distribution by force. This is true because sharing would mean that Charlie is willingly giving her the phone, and contest would mean she won the phone, while force is without his consent. I hope this helps :)