The goal of the freedom riders was desegregation of buses and bus terminals
They were expected to focus only on their homes and families.
The Soviet Union and China were uneasy allies. Chinese communism differed from Soviet communism, especially on Marxist ideology. A main difference was their view of the peasantry as playing a major role in the communist revolution. On the other hand, Soviets put their trust in a "revolutionary elite" of intellectuals and urban workers instead of the rural poor. After border clashes and disagreements over ideology, in 1959 Soviets withdrew all of their aid and advisors from China, ending their alliance.
Hope this answer is right!
A Day After may have affected the outcome of the Cold War is explained below in detail.
During 1989 and 1990, the Berlin Wall proceeded down, boundaries inaugurated, and unrestricted ballotings deposed Communist governments throughout eastern Europe. In advanced 1991 the USSR itself disintegrated into its segment commonwealths. With remarkable agility, the Iron Curtain was elevated and the Cold War appeared to an end.
In his most iconic speech, FDR was proposing the new deal, which was a bureaucratic system that provided socioeconomic security and relief for those who were suffering from unemployment caused by the great depression