-mendapatkan bahan mentah
- sbb malaysia bnyk bijih timah, besi etc
-mendapatkan pasaran bagi hasil pengeluaran industri masing2
-menyebarkan pengaruh tamadun & agama
-semangat perlumbaan antara negara2 eropah
- penaklukan merupakan lmbng status suatu negara itu—kayu ukur pengaruh negara trsebut kpd negara2 eropah yg lain
It took so long to interpret because it was a new “language” to Ancient Egypt. For example if you say something in Japanese to someone who only speaks English they would be confused.
to create a shorter route to ship goods between the pacific and atlantic oceans
Presidential corruption and lying
Vietnam, Watergate, conflict with Iran, and the revelation of coups and funding of rebels through the Nixon--Reagan presidencies caused citizens to become more cynical of the government. The average citizen began to believe that the government could be expected to lie and cheat their way through politics meanwhile putting American lives in danger.
The consequences of this resulting in citizens not believing their leaders or not knowing who to believe. Presidencies have been criticized more and citizens are not surprised when scandal occurs. This has led to elected presidents who are "outsiders" or lack political experience such as Jimmy Carter or Donald Trump.