Lazy Bones
Zenith created the "Lazy Bones," the first television remote control, in 1950. The Lazy Bones could change the station and volume of a television, as well as switch it on and off. However, it wasn't a wireless remote control. The Lazy Bones remote control was connected to the television by a thick, lengthy connection. Customers worried about stumbling over the cable even though they liked being able to operate their televisions remotely. Five years later, the wireless TV remote control would be created, putting an end to this problem.
El calendario gregoriano es un calendario originario de Europa, actualmente utilizado de manera oficial en casi todo el mundo, denominado así por ser su promotor el papa Gregorio XIII, quien promulgó su uso por medio de la bula Inter Gravissimas.
the Hindus believe that the Atman contains one's personality .
The president is always top adviser, therefore he is the Head of State of and the Head of the Government of the United States.
He was afraid that south korea would also become a communist nation. he wanted to prevent the spread of communism.