Africa by toto is good song
In 1860,Abraham Lincoln was elected as U.S. president but his election was accepted by many southern states who decided to secede from the U.S. and form the Confederate States Of America with 6 other states(and eventually 11 all together)
cause-Lincoln had only won the election with 40% of the popular vote,which meant that the majority of the country did not support his ideals-especially anti-slavery sentiment.
A mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process, e.g. the letter or letters standing for a chemical element or a character in musical notation.
FD Roosevelt (C)
A gathering of government projects and approaches set up under President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the 1930's; the New Deal was intended to enhance conditions for people enduring in the Great Depression.The Progressive Party was an outsider in the United States shaped in 1912 by previous President Theodore Roosevelt after he lost the presidential selection of the Republican Party to his previous protege, officeholder President William Howard Taft.
Two groups who greatly influenced Roman culture were the Etruscans and the Greeks. Romans learned a great deal about engineering from the Etruscans. They also adopted some Etruscan sporting events. Greek civilization had a huge influence on Roman culture.