1. which applicant skills are most important in their hiring decision
Work effectively with others, listen well, give feedback effectively
2. Interpersonal communication competence is
the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately.
3. Abraham Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs
Physical needs for survival,
safety and protection needs,
belonging and social needs,
self-esteem needs, and
self-actualization needs
4. The more communicators' fields of experience overlap.
Selective, systemic, individual, processual, transactional,
meaning creating
5. In transactional models Martin Buber distinguished among three levels of communication
all participants share responsibility for its effectiveness
6. When we interact on an 1-Thou level,
I—It, I—You, and I—Thou
7. Because interpersonal communication is an ongoing, transactional process
shared meanings between people.
8. - The heart of interpersonal communication is
both are defined as communicators who participate equally
and often simultaneously in the communication process
9. Five skills related to competence in interpersonal communication:
Develop a range of skills, adapt communication appropriately, engage in dual perspective, monitor your communication, commit to effective and ethical communication