The Organs which perform same function and looks but they are different in their structure from each other are called as analogous organs.
Organs are the structures that made up of two or more tissues organized to carry out a particular function.
An organ or bone that appears in different animals with same function is called homologous structure.
Homologous organs have similar origin n basic structure but perform different functions in different organisms. Analogous organs are different in basic structure but perform same functions.
Different animals have bones that appear very similar in form or function and seem to be related.
The arm of a human, the wing of a bird or a bat, the leg of a dog and the flipper of a dolphin or whale are homologous structures. They are different and have a different purpose, but they are similar sharing common traits.
The forelimbs of all mammals have the same basic bone structure.The structures are similar because they evolved to do the same job. For example, the wings of bats and birds.
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Graphs show a pattern in something that we are following. So by using those patterns on the graphs, we can see how the process that we are following is changing and we can conclude that without anything drastic happening the process will continue with the same pattern.
An example would be a pattern in weight loss. If a graph shows that a person is losing weight 1 pound per week we can conclude that the next week the person will have 1 pound less. This will only change if the person starts eating more which would be a drastic change to the pattern.
In this scenario, there is a high degree of social risk for Len.
- The people who are in acquaintance with Len expect him to behave in a more dignified manner which would exhibit his social and economic status.
- The people that he works with believe that the social behavior that Len displays does not suit them because Len does not choose to behave like a dignified, rich individual despite being one.
There is a difference in performance
The women in Dynascan are being paid more than the men doing the same job. The performance of women is better than the those of men working in Dynascan.
Thus women are getting performance based wages. This is valid because the efficiency of the women is better than that of men. There is certainly a difference in the performance among men and women and so it is legal for Dynascan to pay more weekly salary than men because women are efficient worker.