The Truman Doctrine was an American foreign policy whose stated purpose was to contain Soviet geopolitical expansion during the Cold War. It was announced to Congress by President Harry S. ... More generally, the Truman Doctrine implied American support for other nations thought to be threatened by Soviet communism.
The fact of having three separate branches of government was a persuasive argument for the ratification of the Constitution because, through the differentiation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers, the creation of tyrannical or totalitarian governments became very difficult. Thus, American citizens were guaranteed the permanent validity of their individual liberties and civil rights, which could not be curtailed or limited by dictatorial rulers, as the republican system itself establishes a system of checks and balances that allows members of the a specific branch to control the rest.
Maxism: political theory that workers would establish a classless society
Bolsheviks: revolutionary group that wanted change russia's government
Lenin: leader of the bolsheviks
Revolution of 1905: marched on the winter palace to demand rights but were fired on
February Revolution: an uprising in saint petersburg that forced the tsar to step down
1. Separation of powers
2. Decide if an action is constitutional
The United States Constitution which was created following the 1787 Constitutional Convention, had founding fathers created checks and balances by establishing "Separation of powers."
Here asides from the power of other branches of government such as Executive and Legislature, the primary power of the judicial branch over others is to "Decide if an action is constitutional."