Basically, Benedict's test identifies the existence of aldehydes and alpha-hydroxy-ketones, also by hemiacetal, as well as those that take place in specific ketoses. Therefore, it is an alpha-hydroxy-ketone even if the ketose fructose is not strictly a reducing sugar, and provides a positive test since it is transformed into the mannose and aldoses glucose by the base inside the reagent.
President pro tempore is your answer
The meaning of the above phrase is "temporary president", and is the acting president when the president & vice president is not available.
Honestly, I would join them
1. It reduces the probability of sampling bias.
2. A random sample will be more representative of the whole population.
3. Allows the researcher to determine the efficacy of the fertilizer.
Selecting a simple random simple from a large population is a widely used method in science. Researchers select a random sample so every individual, in this case seedling, has an equal chance to be selected.
Therefore, it is an accurate method that, although is not free from errors, avoids or reduces the probability of sampling bias. Selecting a truly random tomato seedling will be more representative of the whole population of seedling instead of selecting carefully a seedling that already has specific or desired characteristics. Hence, this random sampling will allow the researcher to determine the efficacy of the fertilizer.
Okay so we have gateway drugs, and over the counter drugs. There are more drugs but I'm afraid I don't have enough space. Gateway drugs are the worst, they are what start people off. say you had a friend that took marijuana and then went up to meth. they started off on marijuana, the gateway drug, they got so used to it that it didn't affect them anymore so they up graded. Drugs are always serious not matter the dose you take. I hope this helped