I'd say the Great Wall of china
built over 2300 years ago, it's over 20,000 miles long!
A. He spent most of his time growing food for his family.
They look like the africans who picked cotten from cotten feilds, They would not have owned a house.
In general yes, the states honored their agreement since the Articles of Confederation demanded practically nothing from the states--meaning that it wasn't hard for the states to uphold their end of the bargain.
The Fertile Crescent includes Mesopotamia, the land in and around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers; and the Levant, the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The modern-day countries with significant territory within the Fertile Crescent are Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, as well as the southeastern fringe of Turkey and the western fringes of Iran
United States involvement in the Boxer Rebellion would have contradicted the ideals George Washington laid out in his farewell address. It also would have violated the Monroe Doctrine by becoming involved in Europe's subject matters.