The answer is: nothing
The answer to this riddle is "nothing." Nothing is greater than God, and nothing is more evil than the devil. The poor have nothing, while the rich need nothing. Finally, if you eat nothing, you will die.
A highway is a main road, especially one that connects towns or cities.
famous highways are Pan American Highway,Great River Road.
Blue Ridge Parkway. etc
Quota sampling
Quota sampling is a form of sampling techniques used in carrying out research studies. It involves, the use of special or specific characteristics to determine the respondents to pick by the researcher. After that, a required sample size is then picked from the population of interest. It is considered to be a non-probability sampling procedure.
Hence, in this case, when Ingrid first of all, used a certain characteristics to pick participants, the characteristics is participants from General Psychology Classes only.
The she will pick from the General Psychology Classes only, a certain proportion that will reflect University population in terms of ethnicity.
Therefore, this technique or sampling procedure is termed as QUOTA SAMPLING.
This continent (apart from Europe) was Africa. It is also referred to as "scramble for Africa" in which the European countries (England, France, Portugal, Italy, Germany) were fighting each other over land in Africa.
Answer:A)Are ambitious and loyal to organisations.
Baby boomers generation are the 76 million people born between 1946_1964.They were born post world war 11.