Throughout the passage, the author takes the stance that too much gaming is unhealthy and is a bad obsession for young people.
Let's analyze the answer choices.
This choice is correct. The passage states that "young people become obsessed with video games". The author also says that "many gamers play indoors...They rarely do any outside activities, including exercise." If a sentence about the harmful effects of no exercise was added, it would help support the argument that too much gaming is harmful.
This choice is incorrect. This sentence has nothing to do with the fact that excess gaming is bad.
This choice is also incorrect. A release date for the PlayStation 3 doesn't help persuade the readers that too much gaming is not good.
This choice is also incorrect. Games without consoles do not support the argument that gaming in excess is bad.
The best choice is A: A lack of physical activity can lead to obesity and diabetes.
Text structure refers to how the information within a written text is organized. This strategy helps students understand that a text might present a main idea and details; a cause and then its effects; and/or different views of a topic.
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