Do you go to BASIS?
Sorry I don't have an answer for you, but we have the same assignment in our AP Comp sci class.
Just wondering.
Obsolescencia programada es cuando un producto está diseñado deliberadamente para tener un tiempo de vida específico. ... Los productos dejan de funcionar al cabo de un tiempo, no porque estén estropeados, sino por que han sido diseñados para fallar al cabo de ese periodo.
espero y esto te pueda ayudar
This point lies on the x value
The title tag is basically your saved document
Save as and poof
High Hopes^^
That would be a star network. A star network isn't necessarily shaped like a star, of course, but like you mention this topology has a central device, usually a server of some sorts, and then many different endpoints coming out of that central device, such as the client computers for the server.