I am pretty sure it is Arias
Slow: Slow cooking, roasting, baking, braising.
Fast: Fast cooking, broiling, frying, poaching.
Srry Im in middle school but somone will give you a great answer soon.
Parallel editing is a cinematographic technique that alternates between two sequential planes in order to give the spectator the sensation of several things happening simultaneously. That is, in this type of editing, the movie shows, in a single scene, several actions that are in different sequential plane, but occur at the same time.
So if in a movie we have a bank robbery taking place and at the same time we have another related action going on across the city - the police being warned and moving to get to the bank - most filmmakers call this montage, Parallel editing.
But additional legal, personal, ideological, and political influences weigh on the Supreme Court and its decision-making process. On the legal side, courts, including the Supreme Court, cannot make a ruling unless they have a case before them, and even with a case, courts must rule on its facts.