In order to do this the programmer needs to use the EventHandler class. This class allows the computer to listen for certain user actions such as pressing a button. Using this on a button would then allow the programmer to specify what they want to happen when the user clicks the button or performs a certain action. For example, in this scenario, the programmer would program an EventHandler so that when the button is clicked it saves the input to a variable and changes the input field to the next option.
Stack is LIFO data structure (Last In First Out) where the last element entered in stack will be the last one to be out of stack. It has three operations: push() : used to insert an element in stack, pop() : used to delete an element from the stack, top() : used to return the top of the stack i.e. the newest member of the stack. All these operations will take place at the top.
Now, looking at the program, x and y are initialized the values of 2 and 3 respectively. The stack pushes 8 onto the stack making it the first member of the stack. Then the value of x which is 2 is pushed onto the stack. Next, (x+5) = (2+5) = 7 is pushed onto the stack.
Pop() is used to delete hence 7 is popped out from the stack. top() is assigned to y which is 2 in this case and again 2 is popped out from the stack. Now, (x+y) = (2+2) = 4 is pushed onto the stack. And the top() is assigned to x which is 4. 4 is again popped out from the stack. Hence the value of x is 4.
Task one; Immersion and Interaction are most important for virtual reality to provide a smooth and enjoyable experience for the user
For task two the multiple choice on slide 5 has the answers to the quiz