1) Sergio, Tomas y yo vamos a casa de Pablo el viernes./ Tomas va a la casa de Pablo el viernes.
2) Los estudiantes van a la librería a compar unos cuadernos.
Explanation:1) Te agregue dos posibilidades, lo que cambia es el plural del verbo( que pasada de plural a singular).
Add two possibilities, what changes is the plural of the verb (which goes from plural to singular).
2) En esta oracion reemplazamos ustedes por estudiantes, el verbo queda igual.
In this sentence you replace students, the verb remains the same.
I hope I have helped you.
A food bank is where you go to get food
The answer is false. It is in the Islamic culture that water symbolizes the purification of the body and the mistress. For muslims, water is a primary symbol of life, fertility and creation. In social and religious terms, water is purifying for muslims. All of the above is due to the fact that in the region where this religion is practiced, water is scarce, so that believers give great value to this element.
Sí, sé cuidar el medio ambiente por ejemplo. Mi casa solo usa energía solar, tiramos todo el reciclaje
Yes I know how to care of the environment for example. My house only uses solar power, we throw all recycling away.