pues sus aspectos POSITIVOS SON:cosas antiguas con mucho turismo y con construcciones raras en el caso de edificaciones NEGATIVOS SON:posibilidad de derrumbe o como por ejemplo acumulacion de malos olores en distintos lugares de la edificacion tambien que no se le pueden hacer ninguna modificacion ya que son patrimonios culturales
New York, Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia
The elements are the Plato of how it has more than St.Augustine had. They are both similar.
The two parties were federalist and democratic republicans.
c British control over the colonists will only increase.
Patrick Henry, an important figure of the American war of independence said these lines in his famous "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death" speech.
In the above lines, the speaker tries to question the listeners that how long will they need to wait to take an action before the Britishers take control of them completely. The point of these lines is to emphasis the fact that British control over the colonists will only increase if they keep on remaining silent and subservient.