Jasmine saw a frog in the road. This does not use descriptive language, because the author does not specifically state anything about Jasmine, the frog, or even the road.
She suspiciously eyed the fluffy white poodle that was decorated with fluorescent pink bows. This does use descriptive language, because of how detailed the information is.
The sky was a dull and murky gray. Descriptive language was also used in the sentence, because the sky is so specifically described.
The boy watched his brother play on the swing set. Not specifically described, so no descriptive language is used.
answer: for sandwich its a proposition, because conjunctions are just a transition word, and interjections are very similar to conjunction
What angers the townspeople the most when the king is
selling the Wilks’ slaves is that:
separates parents and children in the sale.
Separating the parents and children in the sale is a
strategy that they thought of to sell the slaves faster. However, the girls
found breaking up the family insensitive – which made them upset. There were
also a lot of the townspeople who disapproved at separating the families, but
the men were still firm on doing it.
<span>#1) page 35 of Nothing's Impossible: Leadership Lessons from Inside and Outside the Classroom by Lorraine Monroe.
Answer: After carefully reading the excerpt presented above I came up with the following. I believe that the main idea that this excerpt is trying to convey is the fact that you surrounding are what will help you grow an shape you into the person that you will become in the future. For this reason you must be aware of this fact early on so that you can surround yourself with good influences early in your life. The best examples of great influences are your parents, family, and mainly people that surround you. You become the best parts of every one of this great influences. Therefore to understand you, they would have to know them.
I hope it helps, Regards. <span>
The letter was calm and restrained.
Tension between the United States and Russia, formerly known as the Union of Soviet Socialists States were on the rise. From the rocket race, to the missiles race, the tensions between the two countries kept escalating. In the wake of the events, one of the potentially dangerous events was the Cuban missile crisis. Russia thought to build a missile base in Cuba. This would present a great danger to the US. In the letter, Kennedy is tentative in his approach. He exercises restraint. In fact, in one of the lines he says, "...I recognize Mr. Chairman, that it was not I who issued the first challenge in this case..." The president distances himself from the provocations that had been sent his his predecessors.