B)"Since your heart is not pumping efficiently, the kidneys are getting less blood flow; therefore,the kidneys are holding on to sodium and water."
The Frank-Starling Mechanism, is a cardiology concept, to refer to the heart's ability to adapt to changes in blood volume by modifying its contractility. Thus, when more blood enters (greater preload) the contraction force increases and the amount of blood pumped into the aorta and when less blood enters (less preload) less blood comes out.
This mechanism serves to understand how the heart behaves when more blood enters, for example when saline is introduced, or a water pill, and when less blood enters, for example if the patient is dehydrated or has significant bleeding. For this reason, we may think that the best answer to your question is "Since your heart is not pumping efficiently, your kidneys are receiving less blood flow, so your kidneys are holding sodium and water."
has plenty of grip suck as concrete
Making chocolate covered strawberries, because you want to melt the chocolate then freeze it on the strawberries
Listening is an important skill for a leader because a leader has to know how to understand the needs and wants of the group. If a leader doesn’t listen then that leader is failing to represent the group.